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Project Description

The Cayuga County Department of Planning and Economic Development (CCPED) will develop a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for the Town of Sterling and the Village of Fair Haven through a 3 year process. The goals for this work include identifying strategies, policies, projects, and local regulations aimed at revitalizing the waterfront area by expanding and enhancing recreational opportunities; providing storm and flood resiliency to critical infrastructure, public and private lands; natural resource protection of unique features and areas; historic preservation; expanding tourism; economic development; and planning for sustainable residential development balanced with agricultural protection. 


CCPED staff, with assistance from a local Waterfront Advisory Committee, will undergo a thorough inventory and analysis of existing conditions; develop a vision for the future of the waterfront area; set goals, objectives, and develop program policies that clearly articulate how the community intends to realize that vision. Furthermore, the LWRP will identify specific proposed land and water uses, including a Harbor Management Plan, as well as proposed projects that would be both appropriate and competitive in attracting new businesses, recreational users, and tourists to the Lake Ontario and Little Sodus Bay waterfronts in and around the Town of Sterling and the Village of Fair Haven. CCPED will work with undergraduate students from SUNY ESF to provide conceptual designs for improvements to West Barrier Bar Park in the Village, and with a Graduate Landscape Architecture student intern to provide conceptual designs for other specific projects in the LWRP including, but not limited to new pocket parks, trails, and other public recreation spaces in the Town.

Image used with permission. ©2020 Kyle D. Meddaugh | onePhoto Photography

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